Online Articles
All of our articles are available online in a mobile-friendly format. View them on a wide range of devices or project them on your whiteboard for additional features like highlighting and note-taking.
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Online Articles
All of our articles are available online in a mobile-friendly format. View them on a wide range of devices or project them on your whiteboard for additional features like highlighting and note-taking.
Easy Differentiation
Make science accessible to all of your students with multiple reading levels (Lexile® and Guided Reading).
Skills Sheets
Build and assess reading comprehension skills and reinforce science and engineering practices like analyzing data, using models and drawing conclusions.
Article-Related Videos
Introduce science concepts and capture science in action with four engaging videos per issue (with closed-captioning).
Three-Dimensional Lesson Plans
Fresh lesson plans with each issue help you incorporate NGSS core ideas, crosscutting concepts and science and engineering practices.
Searchable Archive
Browse past SuperScience issues for the science topics you need to teach most. Plus, online bookmarking features allow you to save your favorites for later!
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