African penguins like these are endangered in the wild.

Sunny/The Image Bank/Getty Images


NGSS: Core Idea:  LS4.D

CCSS: Reading Informational Text: 3

TEKS: Science: 3.9A, 5.9A, 5.9C; ELA: 3.13, 4.11, 5.11, 6.10

Picky Penguins

Biologists engineer artificial nests to protect rare African birds

African penguins stand only 50 centimeters (20 inches) tall. But the little birds have big personalities. Waddling around their large colonies, they honk loudly at each other. Like people, each penguin has a unique voice.

The penguins live along the southern coast of Africa (see Coastal Living). Like penguins that live in Antarctica, they hunt fish in the ocean and lay eggs on land. But African penguins have a problem. Years of environmental change have left them no safe place to nest.

African penguins stand only 50 centimeters (20 inches) tall. But the little birds have big personalities. They waddle around their large colonies. They honk loudly at each other. Like people, each penguin has its own voice. 

The penguins live along the southern coast of Africa (see Coastal Living). They are similar to penguins in Antarctica. They hunt fish in the ocean and lay eggs on land. But African penguins have a problem. Changes to their surroundings have left them no safe place to nest.

A global team of scientists wants to help. They’re designing artificial nests to protect African penguins. But that’s not easy. People have tried building nests before, but the penguins didn’t use them. The nests often got too hot.

“We’re going about it more scientifically this time,” says Kevin Graham. He’s a biologist at the Dallas Zoo in Texas. He and three other scientists are leading the project to develop the penguin homes. Over the past two years, they’ve tested 15 designs to find the perfect fit.

A team of scientists wants to help. They’re creating artificial nests to protect the penguins. But that’s not easy. People have tried building nests before. But the penguins didn’t use them. The nests often got too hot.

“We’re going about it more scientifically this time,” says Kevin Graham. He’s a biologist at the Dallas Zoo in Texas. He and three other scientists are leading the project. They’ve worked to make penguin homes over the past three years. They’ve tested 15 designs to find the perfect fit.

Underground Homes

Martin Harvey/Gallo Images/Getty Images

Guano burrows once provided shade and shelter for penguin families.

African penguins used to nest by burrowing into a thick layer of guano, or bird poop. The guano came from the penguins and from seabirds overhead. Over hundreds of years, it had built up into a layer 3 meters (10 feet) deep. 

The penguins used their feet and bills to dig small tunnels in the guano. Then they carved out burrows and laid their eggs inside. These guano nests were perfect for penguin families. They shielded eggs, chicks, and their parents from the hot sun. The tunnels kept out seagulls and other predators that eat penguin eggs. 

But in the 1860s, people began collecting the guano to use as fertilizer for farms. By 1900, almost none was left. “It’s like if I came and bulldozed your neighborhood,” says Trudi Malan. She works with penguins in South Africa and leads the nest project there.  

African penguins used to nest underground. They dug into a thick layer of guano. Guano is bird poop. It came from the penguins and other seabirds. It had built up over hundreds of years. It formed a layer 3 meters (10 feet) deep.

The penguins used their feet and bills to dig in the guano. They made small tunnels. Then they carved out larger holes. They laid their eggs inside these burrows. These guano nests were perfect for penguin families. They kept eggs, chicks, and their parents out of the hot sun. The tunnels also kept out seagulls and other animals that eat penguin eggs.

People began collecting the guano in the 1860s. They used it as fertilizer for farms. Almost none was left by 1900. “It’s like if I came and bulldozed your neighborhood,” says Trudi Malan. She works with penguins in South Africa. She leads the nest project there.

Kevin Graham, Dallas Zoo

Scientists hope artificial nests can protect penguins now that most of the guano is gone.

Without guano to nest inside, the penguins now lay their eggs out in the open. But that means the penguins often get too hot. If the parents leave the eggs to cool off in the water, predators can easily snatch the eggs. 

The lack of safe nesting spots is one reason African penguins are now endangered. Millions of them used to live in southern Africa. Now only about 25,000 pairs of nesting birds are left.

Now there’s no more guano to burrow in. So the penguins lay their eggs in the open. But that means the penguins often get too hot. Parents leave the eggs to cool themselves off in the water. But that means animals can easily snatch and eat the eggs.

African penguins no longer have safe nesting spots. That’s one reason they’re now endangered. Millions of them used to live in southern Africa. Now only about 25,000 pairs of nesting birds are left.

Field Tests

The artificial nest project kicked off in 2016. First the scientists came up with criteria for their design. The nest had to protect penguin eggs from predators. It couldn’t flood in the rain. And it needed to keep penguin families cool.

The scientists built 15 nest prototypes. Each was a hutlike structure that a penguin could lay eggs inside. But the sizes, shapes, and materials were different. Malan helped test these prototypes in South Africa. Scientists placed the nests in the sun and measured the temperatures inside.

Some nests did better than others (see Testing Nests). Several got far too hot. But two prototypes really stood out. One was a simple tube shape. The other had a sloped ceiling, like a guano burrow. Both had vents to let air flow through. It was time to see what the penguins thought.

The artificial nest project kicked off in 2016. First, the scientists came up with criteria for their design. The nest had to protect penguin eggs from being eaten. It couldn’t flood in the rain. And it needed to keep penguin families cool.

The scientists built 15 nest prototypes. Each looked like a small hut. A penguin could lay eggs inside. But each nest had a different size, shape, or material. Malan helped test these prototypes in South Africa. Scientists placed the nests in the sun. Then they measured the temperature inside each one.

Some nests did better than others (see Testing Nests). Several got far too hot. But two prototypes really stood out. One was a simple tube shape. The other had a sloped ceiling, like a guano burrow. Both had vents to let air flow through. It was time to see what the penguins thought.

Ready for Action

J & C Sohns/Picture Press RM/Getty Images

Without guano to burrow into, penguins nest out in the open.

This past summer, the scientists tested the two best nests on African penguins at U.S. zoos. Now they’re placing the nests in four colonies in South Africa to let wild penguins try them out. “Our hypothesis is that penguins will prefer the sloped design that mimics a guano nest,” says Graham. 

For several weeks, the scientists will watch to see where the penguins lay their eggs. The birds may even like both designs. “Penguins are individuals,” says Graham. “Some of them like a little variety in their life.” 

The scientists plan to build more than 2,500 of whichever nests the penguins prefer. They’ll set them up in penguin colonies all around South Africa. Malan hopes the new nests will help the endangered birds bounce back. “I think we’ve got a good shot,” she says.

The scientists tested the two best nests this past summer. They gave the nests to African penguins at U.S. zoos. Now they’re placing the nests in four colonies in South Africa. That way, wild penguins can try them out. “Our hypothesis is that penguins will prefer the sloped design that mimics a guano nest,” says Graham.

The scientists will watch where the penguins lay their eggs for several weeks. The birds may even like both designs. “Penguins are individuals,” says Graham. “Some of them like a little variety in their life.”

The scientists plan to build the nests the penguins like best. They’ll make more than 2,500 of them. They’ll set them up in penguin colonies all around South Africa. Malan hopes the new nests will help the endangered birds bounce back. “I think we’ve got a good shot,” she says.


early versions of inventions that are tested and improved    


the standards that a design must meet to be considered successful    


seabird or bat droppings that have accumulated over time


at risk of becoming extinct, or dying out    


groups of the same organisms living together


prediction of results based on previous knowledge and evidence    

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