1. Examine your materials. How does the steel wool feel? What do the liquids smell like? Make a prediction.
2. Use the marker to label your plastic cups A and B. Pour ½ cup of water in cup A and ½ cup of vinegar in cup B.
3. Label your paper plates A, B, and C. Place one piece of steel wool on plate C. This will be your control, or standard against which you will compare your results.
4. Dip one piece of steel wool in cup A. Squeeze the steel wool to remove the excess water, then place it on plate A. Wipe your hands on a paper towel.
5. Repeat step 4 with the vinegar in cup B.
6. Mark the time and observe the steel wool pieces on each plate. What do they look like? Record your observations.
7. Repeat step 6 after 10, 20, and 40 minutes.