A line of multicolored cartoon characters with different hats

Courtesy of InnerSloth


NGSS: Core Idea: ETS1.C
CCSS: Writing: 3
TEKS: Science: 3.3C, 4.3C, 5.3C, 6.3D; ELA: 3.11A, 4.11A, 5.11A, 6.10A

Making Among Us

How a small design team created a hugely popular video game 

As you read, think about how  designers used the engineering design process to create the game Among Us.

You've been dropped on a spaceship with your crew—all dressed in colorful spacesuits. Each of you has a list of tasks to do. But there’s a catch: At least one of you is a shape-shifting alien “impostor” whose real goal is to destroy!

If this situation sounds familiar, you’re probably one of the more than half a billion people who have played Among Us. This online game was created by a small company called Innersloth. Its three designers were inspired by a real-life game played at night in a dark house with one person as the “killer.”

A few years ago, Innersloth designer Marcus Bromander pitched the idea of turning that in-person game into a video game to his team. Little did he know it would become a way for friends to stay connected during the Covid-19 pandemic—and turn into one of the most popular games of 2020!

You’re on a spaceship with your crew. You’re all dressed in colorful spacesuits. Each of you has a list of tasks to do. But there’s a catch. At least one of you is a shape-shifting alien. And the goal of the “impostor” is to destroy!

This might sound familiar. If it does, you may have played Among Us. More than half a billion people have played this video game. It was created by a company called Innersloth. The three designers who created Among Us were inspired by a real-life game. It’s played in a dark house with one person as a “killer” in disguise. 

Innersloth designer Marcus Bromander wanted to make an online version of the game. He shared the idea with his team a few years ago. Little did he know that Among Us would turn into a way to stay connected during the Covid-19 pandemic. It also became one of the most popular games of 2020!

Designing Tasks

A game of Among Us begins with players choosing a map, or playing field. Each map includes tasks for crewmates to perform. For instance, you may have to refuel the engines of a ship or water plants in a greenhouse.

The Innersloth team designs each map around a theme, such as an alien planet. They first sketch out the playing field and brainstorm tasks players need to complete. They program the actions into the map. That involves writing computer instructions called code. 

No matter the map, the crewmates’ goal is the same. They must watch fellow players closely for suspicious behavior. They discuss who they think the impostor is and try to vote that player out. If you’re the impostor, your goal is to destroy the crew without getting caught!

A game of Among Us begins with players choosing a map. Each map includes tasks for crewmates. You may have to refuel the ship’s engines. Or you may have to water plants in a greenhouse.

The Innersloth team designs each map around a theme. For example, it could be an alien planet. They first sketch out the area. They also brainstorm tasks players need to complete. They program the actions into the map. That means writing computer instructions called code. 

The crewmates’ goal is the same no matter the map. They must watch fellow players closely for strange behavior. They discuss who they think the impostor is. They try to vote that player out. But if you’re the impostor, your goal is to get rid of the crewmates!

Helpful Changes

Among Us has come a long way since its first designs. In 2017, a prototype version had art that was mostly colored circles and squares. Early versions of the game also had no sound effects. And players had to be in the same room to play together. Today, players can be on opposite sides of the world!

When Innersloth released Among Us in 2018, it wasn’t very popular. But in 2020, millions of people took up the game. They saw it as a way to socialize when they were quarantining at home.

As players gave feedback, the Innersloth team improved the game. For instance, they added symbols to help players who are colorblind complete certain tasks. “We’ve been constantly working on the game since 2018,” says Community Director Victoria Tran, “and our plans haven’t stopped.”

Among Us has come a long way since its first designs. The team created a prototype version in 2017. Back then, the art was mostly colored circles and squares. The game also had no sound effects. And players had to be in the same room. Today, players can be on opposite sides of the world!

Innersloth released Among Us in 2018. It wasn’t very popular at first. But millions of people took up the game in 2020. The game allowed them to connect with other people when they were staying at home.

As players gave feedback, the Innersloth team made changes. They added symbols to help colorblind players who couldn’t tell apart colors to complete certain tasks. “We’ve been constantly working on the game since 2018,” says Victoria Tran. She’s the community director for Innersloth. “And our plans haven’t stopped.”

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instructions that tell a computer to perform a task


to give instructions to do something, often with computer code


an early model or version of an invention used to test an idea to see whether it will work

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